While researching I came across this short film called GO BAG. What really stood out to me was the end credit title sequence as they had wireframe 3D objects and almost an x-ray style looking into objects.
I did some research and found out the end title sequence was created by the famous Territory Studio’s who specialise in motion graphics and did a making of video.
I really liked the idea of having wireframes of the objects and showing us in great detail the objects. Another project I saw that caught my eye was the Iron Man suit deconstruction and construction.
I then thought what if I combine the two together having a wireframe body of the object and then deconstruction and construction of objects that show the nanobots in a futuristic patent/schematic.

I felt that this was going to be a really ambitious and difficult style to achieve but I want to push myself and see how far I can take it and see if I could actually achieve this style.
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