At the beginning of the title sequence we need to see the pill being digested and dissolving letting the nanobots out. To me, this was going to be a very difficult and tricky scene to achieve. I first did some research into throats and how do things digest and move around the body. Most of the answers I came across were linked when I did my research into the title sequence for lungs and oxygen and carbon dioxide is passed through the tiny air bags to the hemoglobin, to me, this was how the nanobots would travel around and move around fixing our protagonists body from the inside.
I then did further research into the throat to see what it looks like from the inside and out and found some very graphic photographs and footage.

Video is very graphical!

After researching inside and outside throats, I decided to give a go at building a throat to see how easy it would be and if it looked any good.
I remembered that I had the plug-in from Trapcode called Tao where you can make spherical objects within After Effects. So what I did was elongate the spherical object to become a cylinder then I played with segments inside the cylinder which gave me this.
I gave it the pink/red colour to make it more like a throat but thought it needs to have depth and an almost flesh texture. In the plug-in there is a tab called textures where you can use pictures to wrap around the object so I found one off google just to see how it looked.

Applied the meat texture.

I then applied a vignette around the camera

Plugged up the whole at the bottom with a black background

I then animated the camera traveling down the throat and created a simple pill again using the plug-in ‘Tao’ and made a round object and coloured it in white just to give me a idea of what it would look like traveling down.
This is the result. Overall I am really happy it worked and that I was able to pull all this together and that it does almost look like a throat. Obviously, the pill will be different and will dissolve better and will see nanobots coming out from it.
I also think I need to sort out the black background I created just to give me a rough view of what it would be like and need to either elongate and possibly bend the throat down as it will give the impression its traveling down her body.
Also possibly adding very fine speckle could be quite effective but need to see if it works or if it will make the scene a bit too crowded.
I also posted it on LSFM Digibods page and got some feedback from my director.